Into a New Season

Hello, is it the end of March already?! The tri season is upon, folks. I started back with my coach, Curt, in January, and have been so fortunate to have stayed healthy and injury-free since before Thanksgiving. This year I am doing a run focus in my training. The weekly volume has been building; last week I was up to 8.5 hours of running during the week! This week is less, for recovery and to stay away from injury (that massage I got on Monday helped, too!!), and next week I will be back at a high volume. Last season it was apparent that the run portion of my Ironman races really needs some tending to…to compete with the “big girls”, so to speak, I really need to get my times down. So…I’m working on it!!

Self-photo after climbing Flagstaff (steep road in Boulder) this winter

Saturdays are long bike + run (“Brick”) workouts, and Sundays tend to be a long run and sometimes some easy biking. There is a good group that has gathered under the leadership of Curt on Saturdays…now even when he’s not there, most of us still meet up and do a solid route with some hard efforts, whether it be climbing up a local canyon or burning rubber out on the flats (guess which one is my favorite). A quote from Curt is that “Saturday long rides followed by a brick run are the bread and butter of triathlon training”. Maybe I should get that embroidered on a pillow for him?

My sponsors for the 2012 season include Tyr, Gu Energy, Rolf Wheels, Swiftwick, and newly-added: Zeal Optics. I am excited about each one of these companies, and they are all great support and so helpful to my training and racing. They supply me with gear, nutritional products, race wheels, awesome socks (including recovery/compression socks), and sunglasses. All things I use all the time! Thank you to each one of you guys.

New Zeal sunglasses and my favorite Gu, peanut butter!

Lucas and I will both be racing on May 6th, in Knoxville, Tennessee (Cowboy’s home state!), put on by the company “Rev3”. I am excited to do this one, as I have never done a Rev3 race and have heard really good things about their productions. The other races I (tentatively) have on my calendar are as follows:
June: Ironman Coeur d’Alene (parents are coming to this one – woohoo!)
July: Vineman Aquabike and visit back to my hometown (Ukiah, north of Sonoma County where Vineman is held). Lucas is doing the full Vineman, and I am so excited he’s doing this favorite race of mine (fond memories of 2008 and 2009…can he beat my time???)
August: Boulder 70.3 (half ironman)
September: Ironman Wisconsin — did this one last year and am going back to re-visit the hilly bike course that I loved, and the fun run course that I hated but am going to smash my time this year! That is the plan!

Ironman Wisconsin 2011

Things are good in the Boulder Bubble for me. There has been a lot going on in my life this past year; lots of opportunity for growth in all areas, and I embrace that. It’s good to be alive! It’s good to have challenges and to meet them head-on. It’s good to lean on those who love you, and to let them know that you love them and are grateful for them. It’s good to have family that cares about your endeavors but even more so about your heart, and a boyfriend who will patiently keep changing your tires and helping you update your facebook fan-page (thanks, Lucas!)

Thanks for reading!